join our team!

ED Registrars / UK F3+

University Hospital

Geelong ED

UHG is a 370 bed tertiary referral hospital ​located in waterfront Geelong, 1 hour ​from Melbourne and 20 minutes from the ​famous beaches of the Surfcoast and ​Bellarine Peninsula.

Enjoy a high quality trianing experience ​combined with the lifestyle benefits of a ​regional coastal environment.

LEARN - work - LIVE - Belong

  • Flexible rostering with fractional work options.

  • Active peer support and mentoring programs.

  • Quality structured teaching with high exam pass rate.

  • Access to rotations in intensive care, anaesthetics, and other ​specialties
drop of blood
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“Strong consultant leadership, great exam teaching.”

“Location location location! Nothing like a quick dip ​after nightshift.”

“Strong supportive culture towards trainees and ​juniors.”

From our registrars

“Moved to Geelong knowing no-one here... in months ​had become part of the ED family, playing footy with ​colleagues and getting fresh baked bread from the ​consultant living around the corner. Top notch ​medicine. Top notch people.”


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Comprehensive teaching program, Very high ​exam pass rate, EM Cert and Associateship ​program supported, Paeds, Adults, Major trauma - ​we see everything!


  • Delineation: Major Referral

  • Accreditation:
    • Tier 1 - 36 months ED
    • TS4 core ED
    • TS4 elective - ICU, Emergency Medicine and Education ​Registrar role (EMER)
    • Paeds Logbook and the Paediatric Emergency ​Requirement

  • Non-ED and Critical Care rotations:
    • Anaesthetics
    • ICU
    • General Medicine
    • Paediatrics (ward)
    • O+G

  • Special Skills posts that fulfil Non-ED time:
    • Emergency Medicine Education Registrar role (EMER)
      • 6 months at 0.5 FTE combined with 0.5 FTE clinical work
    • Rural/remote health Special Skills Placement
      • 6 months at 1.0 FTE at Colac Area Health (1 hour from ​Geelong)
      • 2 days in Urgent Care, 1.5 days in OT with GP ​anaesthetist, 0.5 days project/audit
      • No nights, PM shifts, weekends
      • Every Wednesday off for teaching

  • Optional Secondments:
    • St John of God Hospital (private ED) - accredited for 6 ​months core ED time
    • Alice Springs Hospital

  • Strong focus on education and training:
    • 5 hours paid and protected teaching time per week
    • Structured exam education program with high exam pass ​rate
    • iValidate Course held annually
    • The Comms Lab
    • PLS courses run on-site
    • Multidisciplinary simulation sessions - both in situ and in ​our Sim Lab
    • Participation in Statewide EM teaching

  • Robust systems for ensuring training needs are met:
    • Well-structured WBA program to ensure compliance with ​a variety of assessors for feedback
    • Opportunities to be involved in research projects to ​complete the Trainee Research Requirement


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Competetive remuneration, Flexible work hours, ​Broad variety of specialty and crit care rotations ​available


We pride ourselves on our diverse team and welcome doctors ​with a wide range of career goals.

Committed to a career in ​emergency mediCine?


There’s no better place than Geelong to complete your ACEM ​training. We are accredited for every component.

just Considering a career in ​emergency medicine?


Dip your toe in the water and our supportive team will be there for ​you when you need us.

considering a move from the UK?


If you’re F3+ we’d love to have you. Get in contact to find out how ​we can support your move.

GP / RACGP trainee / accrm?


We’re accredited for the extended skills placement in Emergency ​Medicine.

Other Specialty trainees - Paeds, ​ICU, and more


We’re accredited for placements across a variety of specialty ​colleges, including the RACP Paeds 12 Month Adult ED ​requirement.

thinking about the EM Cert or ​the associateship programs?


Formerly known as the EM Certificate / EM Diploma / EM ​Advanced Diploma - we have a strong track record in supporting ​our doctors through these programs.

Click here for more details.

just looking to work alongside ​some amazing people dedicated ​to your wellbeing and ​development?


Even if you’ve got a career planned in a completely different ​specialty, our team is here to support you with your goals.


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Learn to surf, Camp in the Otways, River sports, ​Restaurants, Cafes (and excellent coffee!)

we hire humans.

not names on a roster.

Regular scheduled consultant & registrar social breakfasts prior ​to teaching and departmental social events.

Excellent cafes and coffee in walking distance from hospital.

Good paths and infrastructure for cycle commute to work.

Highly family-friendly department, supportive of returning to work ​post parental leave and breastfeeding.

Life/work balance and registrar wellbeing genuinely valued by ​consultant group.


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Inclusive culture, Supportive leadership, Dedicated ​consultant team, Whether you want to do ED for a ​career or just a year, you’re welcome here.

join our ED family

People of all genders and cultural backgrounds belong in our ​department. We will actively prioritise your safety, learn from our ​mistakes, and continuously work towards making things better.

“Moved to Geelong knowing no-one here... in months had ​become part of the ED family, playing footy with colleagues and ​getting fresh baked bread from the consultant living around the ​corner. Top notch medicine. Top notch people.”

Interested in joining our awesome team?

Of course you are!

Send us your CV and we’ll be in touch.

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